Category Archives: Software
One Plus 3T + Linux Mint 20.2 – Unable to see files on 3T
NVG468MQ (Router) Windows 10 Not connecting when changing Blocking/Packet Filtering/Port Forwarding on the router
Reason: Windows 10 computer not connecting to the router when changing the settings on the NVG468MQ router Firewall -> Packet Filtering / Port Forwarding / Blocking Equipment: NVG468MQ Windows 10 Solution: Short answer: Do a hard reset on the router. Long answer: While the router is ON, use a paperclip and press the reset button …
phpbb 3.2.0 – Cron appears at the bottom left or right
Upload spacer.gif into ./images folder In the following files ./includes/functions.php ./viewforum.php Remove alt=”cron”
Asus UL80V – Fix Battery Saving Mode Switches To Asus Theme
Remove the Admin account on theme folder in /Users/UserName/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Themes Therefore it doesn’t write anything to this folder and keeps your theme. and Stunnel Update
Recently migrated to a new data center and as a result installed new equipment. Please check the new configuration for Stunnel and Grabit.
Configuring Usenet-News + Grabit + Stunnel for SSL
Stunnel setup (Windows) 1) Download Stunnel from and install the program. After installation, go to Start -> Programs -> Stunnel -> Service Install. A confirmation message stating the service has been installed. 2) Go to Start -> Programs ->Stunnel -> Edit stunnel.conf. Make the following changes: Find “;client = yes” and remove the semicolon …
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